Sunday, January 13, 2008

Dallas and Leigh Play the wii

Well, it has been almost three weeks since I had to get stitches. And ever since then Mari and I have been bowling and playing tennis with the absence of injuries.

Here is Mari practicing her tennis game.
On Saturday night Mari and went to play the wii w/ some other wii addicts, Dallas and Leigh. They crushed us in bowling and tennis. Obviously Mari and I have more practicing that needs to take place.
Dallas and Leigh have a Dachsund dog.

I think I am starting to like Dachsund dogs. Beemer and Guido are turning my heart from hating small dogs to almost liking them. Who knows, maybe Mari and I will own a small dog. We will see ...


Cara said...

Hi, guys! I just found your blog! Don't know where I've been for the past four months, but I thought I would say hi. Hope you are well.

Seth and Janet said...

oh my goodness! we love daschunds. they are the cutest things ever. in fact we almost bought one when we got married. this post made my day and the part about the wii too!

Me said...

That is too cool! We are famous on your blog. :) (We will have to keep Guido humble after this.)

We had such a great time with you guys. I can't wait to get together again!

God Bless!