Monday, January 28, 2008

Collage of Pics ...

Collage in the Encarta dictionary is defined as “a combination of different things.” So here we go (Captions will be below the pictures).

I think my wife has an amazing artistic eye. She looked through her glass and said, "I think that would be a good picture." So I took it and I think she was right.

While shopping in Annapolis Mari saw this plate ... I think spaghetti would taste great on it.

Mari shopping.

Annapolis .


This was when I decided to play w/ my food. Thanks Gene (even though you don't read this blog) for the onion rings.

We had Lew, Laura, Mark, and Brandy over to play the wii on Sunday. They did great!

Mari and I have a 'house rule' ... no wii during the week. So we played RummiKub

This is Mari showing off how she used the chipotle raspberry sauce my Mom bought for us.

So Mari said to me when we came back from Annapolis: "Do we have to 'post' about everything?" and I said no, but the thing about blogging is that it helps your friends and family participate in your life. Like I read the Marcantonio blog and I got to see how Jack is hanging with other kids. I would not know that. Plus with having Mari's family in Argentina, I think it's cool they can get a glimpse into what we're doing here "up North".


Cara said...

Very true, Dave. I love being able to get a glimpse of the lives of our friends and acquaintances through their blogs--especially those folks we don't get to spend much time with. Plus, I think our favorite thing about blogging has become that it helps us capture and remember the things we have experienced as a family. Otherwise, we forget so fast! And it's all too precious to forget!

The Marcantonios said...
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The Marcantonios said...

Thanks for the shout out, Dave. You even spelled our name right! :)